Fantastic Color Palettes Design Project
Branding your business or blog and need to find a color scheme?
Well this collection of color palettes is great for brand inspiration design ideas when it comes to choosing the right color palette to grow yours at home business.
Looking for color palettes for your UI?
Color Hex is a useful online tool with a collection of almost 40,000 color palettes that you can use in your projects. You can copy hex codes and even download a .PNG version of each palette.
Check out some our favourites below.
1. Beach Towels

2. Light Pink

3. Beautiful Blues

4. So Many Lost Songs

5. She

6. Moonlight Bytes 6

7. Number 3

8. Pastellea

9. Android Lollipop

10. Rainbow Dash

11. Shades of White

12. Blueberry Basket

13. Five Shades of Grey

14. Anime Skin Tones

15. Beach

16. Blue Grey

17. Cappuccino

18. Facebook

19. Google Colors

20. Gray Blue

21. Grey Lavender Colors

22. Pastel Rainbow

23. Metro UI Colors

24. Greyso

25. The Water Bearer

26. Pinks

27. Never Doubt

28. Never Dreamed Of This

29. Program Catalog

30. Office Room 2

31. Purple Skyline

32. Skin Tones

33. Space Gray

34. The Armor Falls

35. White

36. Wrist Skin